Review: Why It Didn’t Make the “Best of UK”

Product By:
MaritalAffair Reviewer

Reviewed by:
On 30 April 2013
Last modified:26 January 2023


This cheating website IS REALLY BAD in the United Kingdom. No women were serious for having an affair. We WASTED our money for nothing. DON'T TRY We recommend you to use one of our top 3 best UK cheating site.

The only thing that we can say got right is the domain name. Other than that, there is nothing going on for this site. It made it at number 2 of our scam cheating websites and for good reason. Simply put, Maritalaffair IS A SCAM. There is nothing good about this site, except of course the domain name. There are no hot women that are real on this site, at least none that we came across.

MaritalAffair scams

The biggest lie about this site is that it is the best cheating website in the UK. Nothing could be further from the truth as you will discover by reading on. The number of fake profiles even surprised us, and we have been through plenty of crap cheating dating websites UK. We sent out plenty of messages and did everything that we usually do as per our cheating guide and still nothing. Not a single girl was willing to meet up for sex. Overall, the best advice anyone can give you is to STAY AWAY FROM MARITALAFFAIR.

Results from Review of Our Results after 3 Months

As we do and advice on our cheating guides pages, the best strategy is to log on everyday and send 5 emails to 5 different women every day. We followed our cheating advice but we got nothing. Three months on the site sending out emails every day turned out to be a complete waste of time and energy. We did get a few replies, but most were bordering on the ridiculous. The few replies that we did get from real women turned out to be dead ends and a waste of time.

MaritalAffair login You should AVOID USING this cheating website – MaritalAffair IS NOT good in the United Kingdom – This ranks is #5 in our Best UK Cheating Sites.

On a cheating website that claims to be the best, you expect to get laid within three months of being on the site. for example guarantees getting laid in a very short time, sometimes even in a week or two. With, three months on the site and there was not even a prospect of hooking up with hot women. It was a great disappointment that we would not want anyone else to go through.

Why Is a Not Worth Joining (Is It a Scam?)

There are plenty of things that make this site not worth joining. It is way too difficult to figure out the real members on and the fake ones. Most of the ones we ended up contacting turned out to be fake. The replies were obviously computer generated, and disappeared after exchanging a few emails.

There was a time we thought we had a hit, but the girl turned out to be a time waster. We had a nice chat, and on asking for her IM, she simply disappeared. Most likely she was a housewife looking for some attention outside the marriage but not willing to commit to an affair. There are plenty more of these, and it’s a wonder anyone gets laid on Maritalaffair. Our guess would have to be the only chance of you getting a hot woman from this site will come after hell freezes over. A total waste of time and money! Review: Conclusion turned out to be a real disappointment, and is genuinely not worth joining. Our top three cheating sites UK offer a much better chance of getting laid than this scam UK cheating site. The only way you will get laid is by joining:,, and

Except for these sites, you have no chance of getting laid. Check out our cheating guide pages to find out how you can pull women from these sites, and cheat without getting caught. That is honestly the best chance you have of any kind of affair in the UK.

Category: Reviews

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