Following the steps up to #7 has already improved your chances of finding a hot woman for an affair, but there is still a little more work ahead of you. You need to ask for her IM and phone number (in that order). This is the final stretch, so you don’t want to mess things up. There are a couple of tips that you can use to guarantee that you are going to get laid.
The trick is not to take too long chatting with her on email; otherwise another guy could beat you to it. Asking for her number too soon could also spoil your chances of getting the girl. This is where the timing has to be perfect to successfully get the girl that you want.
First ask for her IM
Before she can give you her number, she has to be comfortable with you first. Asking for her IM will give her a chance to get to know you first and make her confident enough to take the next step. Although she is looking for casual sex, she doesn’t want to be made to look/feel like a whore. Give her some time to get to know you before you actually ask for her number.
One IM session is enough to get her to give you her number, but only if you do it right. If you are flirty, funny and charming during your session, she will have no problem giving out her number. Take time to find out what she’s about before moving to the next step.
Asking for her IM is easy. When things are going well, tell her that you want to take the conversation to IM. Tell her it is more convenient for both of you with this new arrangement. If things are going great, she will have no problem giving you her address. If not, you still have nothing to lose; she would have wasted your time anyway. After 3-4 emails, it could be the right time to ask for her IM.
Another great way to get her IM is to give her yours to begin with. if she’s interested, she will take the initiative to contact you. It will also show that you are interested in her, and that you are serious about actually hooking up.
Humor is everything when flirting. Women love a funny guy and a great sense of humor that will get you laid. Don’t make a big deal about getting her IM. Simply let her know that you are interested in her, and you want to take things to the next step without being too serious. Women also don’t want to feel obligated. Rather, nicely ask for her address and let her know how much you are having talking to her.
Also avoid being vulgar and don’t describe what you are going to do to her unless she initiates the conversation. Most guys that are contacting her are doing this, and this will just make you one of ‘those guys’. Keep things classy, be confident and everything will go well.
Asking for her phone number
After one or two chats on IM, ask for her number. If she is serious and has gone along with what you have to say so far, she will give it to you. Ask confidently. Something like; “how about you give me your number and we can set up a date”. That should work well. Another strategy that will work even better is to tell her to give you her number rather than ask for it. You will need to have maximum confidence if this is going to work. You can give her your number and ask her to give you hers as well. If it makes her more at ease, assure her that you won’t call or text her unless she does first. Make sure that you have first had a fun conversation before taking the leap of faith and ask for her number.